Cayde-6’s Death

I’ll outline my understanding of how Ghosts, EXO’s and resurrections work.


Ghosts:  Can bind to a single guardian (Seguira seems to bind with our guardian, but I wonder if that is only because she is sharing a shell with our ghost?)

Reasons I believe this:  If ghosts could resurrect anyone they want, why would any Guardian ever die?  Why would each guardian in a fireteam bring their ghost with them?  Literally, bring a couple ghosts for resurrections and leave the rest behind so that they are “safe”.  If your ghosts could resurrect multiple people then why would our ghost search so long to find us?  Just keep resurrecting people until you find the one you like?


EXO:  Machine that has a human mind embedded into it’s circuitry.  Reboot to counter Condition Dissassociative EXO Mind Rejection (thx Byf)  Therefore we can’t transfer a mind from Cayde’s dead body to a new EXO.

Reasons I believe this: Why would EXO’s need a ghost if they just can be destroyed and recreated?  The ghost must be able to resurrect that inner personality to the same state it was before the destruction.  Also apparently ghosts can reconstruct machine frames as well as flesh?


With these understandings, I say Cayde-6 is dead and there is little chance of Cayde-7.  Cayde’s ghost is shot and killed, and his body is also dead so no resurrection and no personality transfer are possible.


Please send me any info that contradicts or supports my assumptions.  @djkouza on Twitter.



Update:  Just watched Byf’s video:


ReCap Bungie April update Preview: March 23rd @11AM PST

Wow, Bungie clarified ALOT for us today.

Light level will increase to 335 Max, we’ll be getting new bounties, quest lines and missions plus a new strike featuring Malok (Muh-Lock)  as well as a revamped version of the Archon Priest Strike.

We are definitely getting a revamped version of the Prison of Elders with a Level 41 recommended light 260 that has matchmaking along with a level 42 “Challenge Mode” recommended light 320 which requires a purchased passage called a Sigil similar to Trials of Osiris.  The level 41 Prison will have a chest at the end which does NOT require a treasure key and will give gear that is upto 320 light.  For the challenge you will basically have 3 rounds against bosses where they will give three modifiers.  The challenge is score based, where score is cumulative among the fireteam.  There will be no matchmaking in this mode.  Your Sigil will have a Cumulative score and High score goal for the week.  The high score goal (30k) will reward players with a weapon, while the cumulative score goal (90k) will reward you with an armor.  Challenge bosses will be a mix of 4 new taken bosses along with the old Prison of Elders bosses, but with a few new tricks up their sleeves.  Bosses should remain the same through the week.  Challenge reinforcements will be triggered based on boss health levels and will come in 5 waves.  After each round of challenge you will receive a multiplier on the next rounds bonuses.

Playstation players will receive an exclusive quest with reward as well.

I’ll update this post as I review my notes.

Awesome job – Team 3 mans Oryx Challenge on Hard Mode

I won’t go through the whole story here, you can read TheGreatGatsby’s post on Reddit, but congrats to him and his team (Gatsby, CommanderCuesta, Senior Snubby) on finding a way to complete the challenge mode with only 3 guardians.   The premise is that they found two spots where they could stack the blights that would leave them safe from the Vessel (blind spots) once they figured that out it was a matter of getting the Ogres to move to the right areas.  These guys make it look pretty straight forward, but anyone who has played Destiny knows this is not the case!

Reddit Post by Gatsby  —  3-Manning Oryx Challenge Mode (Hard)

This challenge was completed by Gatsby, CommanderCuesta, and Senior Snubby.

Gatsby’s PoV: <—–Awesome Sauce guy

CommanderCuesta’s PoV: Oh look it’s the guy in the legend himself clan who think’s he’s cool because he’s good at the game. I’m better. Right? Jk I’m trash compared to this god-

Senior Snubby’s PoV: Sadly, this casual forgot to record his PoV, so just imagine a 16 year old British kid shooting aliens and cracking jokes. He was the real MvP at the end.

Thoughts on 320 Crimson Doubles “Free Ghost”

So Bungie has decided to hand out a 320 Ghost to anyone who legitimately finished 7 matches in their limited time Crimson Doubles play list.  While they are attempting to make it up to players because the drop rate of ghosts was not at the level they expected.

My take is that players realized that since there was no effect on drops based off your performance and started just suicide as soon as they spawned, that Bungie used this free 320 Ghost as a way to curb that practice and make the playlist fun again.    While I applaud Bungie for making the playlist fun again, I’m not sure awarding a ghost was the best way to do it.  My issue is that to get this ghost you really don’t have to do anything except play.  At least with challenge mode on the King’s Fall RAID you have to complete a specific objective.  Here you just play 7 matches and get one of the most sought after non-weapon items in the game.

I’m not a huge fan of the RNG as it sits, I’d love to see some sort of factor where being highest on team, winning a match or doing a strike without dying could slightly increase your odds of getting a decent drop.

In the end I’ll gladly take my ghost, but wouldn’t have blinked an eye if they had never promised me one.


Oryx Challenge Mode Guide

Original Source (with my edits)

1- Ideally, you’ll want at least 2 titans, at least 1 hunter, and at least 1 warlock. Explanation to follow.

2 – Ideally everyone should have their supers up before starting the fight, but if not everyone, at least a hunter and a warlock should have theirs.

3 – Start the fight and have someone stand next to where the spark is to attract the enemies that spawn (so they’re clustered together). When they’re all clustered have the Hunter (or both Hunters) tether them.

3.1 – Hunters should be running Blood Bound and Light of the pack to maximize orb creation.

3.2 – Hunters should be standing on the middle of the daughters platforms to ensure the orbs are created in that area.

4 – Have the WARLOCK activate their super and kill the taken thrall. This will make extra orbs.

5 – Have both titans on the middle between platforms. One with weapons of light(optional), another with blessing of light (obviously running illuminated and bastion). Activate ward of dawn right after oryx slams. Melt ogres as usual.  Typically I’ve seen groups do fine with just blessings, but many feel safer with weapons as well.  Blessings will allow you to stay alive while using your Touch of Malice.  I personally do NOT prime my touch (start on final round in mag), but again that is a strategy that many like to follow.

6 – Players in the platforms help out killing their ogres with a grenade and then move to the edge of the platform nearest to the Ogre spawn and crouch. This will give them the most protection from enemy ads. From this position, turn to the knight spawn and kill it.  It is always best to communicate when your knights fall or if you are having issues with taking them out.  (ie.  Knight 1 down,  Knight 2 still up)

7 – Guardians on the front platforms (the ones closest to Oryx spawn): after you kill your knights, turn your atention to acolyte eyes and – especially – the ship. You don’t want to die to the freaking axion bolt. Ideally you would two shot headshot your knight and then snipe the acolyte eyes.

8 – After clearing all knights and staggering oryx, kill only the ads that are shooting you. Do NOT shoot the taken thrall. Let them come to you. When they are close, have the hunters tether them again. Orbs for days.  You should wait until the thrall are in the aura to tether to ensure you get the maximum thrall count.

9 – Before shade phase, the titan running weapons should switch to blessing. Switch back to weapons after shade is killed.  If you are running just blessings on the Ogres I would just have both titans always on blessings.

10 – Shade phase: first titan in puts up a blessing. The amount of orbs in the middle should be more than enough to ensure that he will get his super again in time.

11 – In the shade step, once you have a blessing, you can use the touch of malice like titans do with the ogres. (Use bonus bullet for extra damage, spend your shield, dip in again to replenish shield)

12 – When shade charges, have everyone dip in the blessing. That should be enough to ensure survival even if it hits.

13 – When shade charges, have the warlock “challenge” it while others run to the edges of the dome. Even if the warlock gets hit and dies, he can self-res. Alternatively, if someone is using sword (like the runner), the slam can be blocked.

Rinse and repeat steps and follow tips 5-13 until you have all 16 bombs.

14 – For detonation, have someone (preferably the relic holder) do a countdown after killing ads. Detonators head for the bombs when countdown begins but do NOT enter the bombs before the countdown reaches zero.  You CANNOT take too much time on the adds.  Oryx’s chest will only stay open for a short time, focus the add killing to acolyte eyes and centurions as they are the most dangerous.

15 – If any of the bombs gets eaten, do not wipe. Do an extra round instead.

16 – If any of the titans is low level or if you want to boost damage to the ogres, have the titan on a platform instead, but make sure he leave his ward of dawn in the middle before going to his assigned platform.

17 – Have one of the players in the middle responsible for the 4th knight. That doesn’t mean others can’t help, but while others can be occupied killing the vessel or whatever, this player should make the knight his priority and ignore everything else until he’s dead. Ideally, use a machinegun to quickly dispose of him as soon as he is visible.

18 – The guardian on the BACK LEFT platform can have a better view of his knight spawning if he’s in the edge of the platform OPPOSITE to the ogre, so he can go there to kill his knight before going to the opposite edge and avoid enemy fire as per tip #6. However the guardian on the BACK RIGHT platform should only go there if he’s platform holder #1, otherwise the ads that spawn after the back left ogre is dead can easily kill him.

19 – Runner should use a sword if it doesn’t drop his/her LL too much. A sword will increase your armor and will help taking out the vessel. Also, sword can block the shade slam and his user will survive.  If the vessel makes it to the middle the runner should call it out to allow others to help as you don’t want to chase the vessel away from the area where you will need the aura to stagger oryx.