Anyone looking to do a normal mode run, I’ll be free from 8-10AM Eastern on 2/25. Signup here
I’ll be streaming at for those interested.
Anyone looking to do a normal mode run, I’ll be free from 8-10AM Eastern on 2/25. Signup here
I’ll be streaming at for those interested.
I won’t go through the whole story here, you can read TheGreatGatsby’s post on Reddit, but congrats to him and his team (Gatsby, CommanderCuesta, Senior Snubby) on finding a way to complete the challenge mode with only 3 guardians. The premise is that they found two spots where they could stack the blights that would leave them safe from the Vessel (blind spots) once they figured that out it was a matter of getting the Ogres to move to the right areas. These guys make it look pretty straight forward, but anyone who has played Destiny knows this is not the case!
Reddit Post by Gatsby — 3-Manning Oryx Challenge Mode (Hard)
This challenge was completed by Gatsby, CommanderCuesta, and Senior Snubby.
Gatsby’s PoV: <—–Awesome Sauce guy
CommanderCuesta’s PoV: Oh look it’s the guy in the legend himself clan who think’s he’s cool because he’s good at the game. I’m better. Right? Jk I’m trash compared to this god-
Senior Snubby’s PoV: Sadly, this casual forgot to record his PoV, so just imagine a 16 year old British kid shooting aliens and cracking jokes. He was the real MvP at the end.
So Bungie has decided to hand out a 320 Ghost to anyone who legitimately finished 7 matches in their limited time Crimson Doubles play list. While they are attempting to make it up to players because the drop rate of ghosts was not at the level they expected.
My take is that players realized that since there was no effect on drops based off your performance and started just suicide as soon as they spawned, that Bungie used this free 320 Ghost as a way to curb that practice and make the playlist fun again. While I applaud Bungie for making the playlist fun again, I’m not sure awarding a ghost was the best way to do it. My issue is that to get this ghost you really don’t have to do anything except play. At least with challenge mode on the King’s Fall RAID you have to complete a specific objective. Here you just play 7 matches and get one of the most sought after non-weapon items in the game.
I’m not a huge fan of the RNG as it sits, I’d love to see some sort of factor where being highest on team, winning a match or doing a strike without dying could slightly increase your odds of getting a decent drop.
In the end I’ll gladly take my ghost, but wouldn’t have blinked an eye if they had never promised me one.
Here are some Memes that I created based around experiences I’ve had while playing Destiny. Feel free to shoot me any ideas you might have and I’ll see about adding more content along the way!